Wolseong Fortress, Gyeongju, South Korea

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Bagan's Ancient Temples

Because of its more than 3,000 of temples, Bagan is impressive. It is most specially awesome if viewed from the top of Buledi temple, a great alternative to the more popular Dhammayangyi temple. There are less people at Buledi although the vendors can be bothersome. I was the only tourist in Buledi until about 5 vendors arrived who were persistently trying to sell their stuff to to me.

However, the ancient temples are not as awesome as the ones in Siem Reap in Cambodia. Bagan's temples are smaller and only looks good from the outside. There is really nothing much to see inside. Siem Reap's temples including the Angkor Vat are huge in size and are impressive inside with its beautiful hieroglyphics and wall carvings.

Nevertheless, it is still worth seeing Bagan's temples. But best to go there before going to Siem Reap in Cambodia, to be able to truly appreciate Bagan's temples.

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