Wolseong Fortress, Gyeongju, South Korea

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Seongsan Ilchubong: Jeju's Famous Almost Island

An imposing presence from a distance is Seongsan Ilchubong, Jeju's famous round almost island.  This is a 180 meter high volcano where you can climb to the top by walking over 600 steps. However I opted not to do the climb but instead to just savor the view of this famous landmark and the scenic ocean views in the area.

This is also where you can catch regular performances of Jeju Women Diver's Group which unfortunately I was not able to see because i arrived after the 330pm last scheduled performance for the day.

Seongsan Ilchubong is a Unesco World Heritage site and is on the same route going to Manjanggul Lava Cave.  So you can actually go to these two famous natural wonders in one afternoon.

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