Wolseong Fortress, Gyeongju, South Korea

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Kapurpurawan Rocks!

It is a dirt road that leads to this major tourist attraction of Ilocos Norte, the Kapurpurawan Rock Formation. The 20 minute road trip plus the 30 minute walk along slippery path of sharp rocks leading to the wind blasted white rock formation is rewarded with the truly amazing sight of this rock formation and the scenery surrounding it.

One could only wish that the local and provincial governments of Ilocos Norte will prioritize the improvement of the road going to Kapurpurawan and provide a cemented pathway to make it easier to go to this true jewel of Ilocos Norte tourism.

I hesitated to walk all the way up to the Rock because of the lack of a pathway. But I was glad that my guide encouraged me to complete the walk because the scenery on top of Kapurpurawan is awesome. You will be energized by the strong and fresh sea breeze and the sight of spectacular coastline of the place.

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