Wolseong Fortress, Gyeongju, South Korea

Monday, December 14, 2009

Pyramids: True Ancient Wonder

Highlight of a trip to Egypt is a visit to the pyramids of Giza. The three ancient pyramids, which are actually tombs for kings and queens, are truly a spectacular and awesome sight. It deserves its recognition as one of the seven ancient wonders of the world.

The sphinx which is near the pyramids and when seen against the backdrop of the pyramids is equally impressive.

You can also have the opportunity to go inside the great Khufu Pyramid. But it is a 30 minute crawl down a small opening and it is definitely not for the claustrophobic or those not in good health. At the end of the opening is a bare burial chamber which is not worth the effort going down and then up again to get out of the Pyramid.

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