Wolseong Fortress, Gyeongju, South Korea

Friday, April 8, 2011

Hinagdanan Cave: Much Ado about Nothing

It took many trips to Bohol before I finally decided to visit one of its major attractions, the Hinagdanan Cave. Probably I suspected that it will be one big disappointment. It was indeed a disappointment! And I just tried to make the most out of it.

Hinagdanan Cave is a small cave with an equally small pool where people can supposedly enjoy a cool swim in its clean and clear waters. As in the other caves being promoted as a tourist attraction in Philippines, it is hard to appreciate the stalagmites and stalactites because of poor lighting. At least here, there is some amount of natural light supported by some light bulbs which are however still inadequate to provide good visibility. Underground river in Palawan relies on flashlight and in the others like the caves of Sagada, you have to bring your own flashlight or torch.

Nothing really much going for this cave. I was even warned by my guide not to take a dip in what appeared to be a clean pond because it is actually dirty and a lot of people have complained about itchy skin and rashes after taking a swim in the pool.

Good thing, the admission to the cave is a cheap P15 (US$.35) and it is just about 20 minutes away from the resort where I was staying. Stayed only about 15 minutes inside and the trip was only worth taking if only to say that I have been to Hinagdanan Cave.

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