Wolseong Fortress, Gyeongju, South Korea

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Bodhnath Beckons

A short 30 minute walk from Pashupatinath is the impressive Bodhnath. Centerpiece of Bodhnath is the best and biggest stupa in Nepal. In ancient times, traders from Lhasa, Kathmandu, and Tibet made a stopover here to pray for a safe journey before climbing the Himalaya.

At present, Bodhnath remains to be an important religious site where Buddhist pilgrims continue to make their clockwise circumnavigation of the dome. As in the other stupas, there are prayer wheels which the Buddhist turn around clockwise with their hands to remind them of the law of karma, "what goes around, comes around".

There are cafes and restaurants around the stupa providing tourists opportunity to leisurely observe the rich and authentic religious rites that Bodhnath is known for.

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