Wolseong Fortress, Gyeongju, South Korea

Friday, November 13, 2009

Burma, Of Women and Monks

Even as its most famous woman personality, Aung San Suu Kyi continues to be under house arrest, women have a strong presence in Burma. They enjoy equal legal rights with men. Birth of a baby girl is equally celebrated as that of a boy. Interesting practice of Burmese women is the use of a white paste to cover their faces.

With Buddhism as its predominant religion, monks occupy a position of respect in Burma. Every morning, monks and nuns walk the streets with their bowls to solicit food in time for their 11 am lunch.

Ironically, it is in religion where women take a back seat to men. There are areas around Buddhist shrines which are off limits to women. Birth of a girl also is regarded as indicating less religious merit than the birth of a boy.

1 comment:

  1. Dont you sometimes wonder what life in good ole Pinas would be like if we were Buddhists instead of being catholics?

    Just wonder how you'd look walking around Governors Place in a saffron robe chanting a mantra by the pool...
