Wolseong Fortress, Gyeongju, South Korea

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Cape Bojeador: Northern Lights

Another impressive tourist spot in Ilocos Norte is the Cape Bojeador lighthouse. This was completed in 1892 and is the most northeastern lighthouse in the country.

The lighthouse provide scenic views of South China sea and Ilocos Norte landscapes. Cape Bojeador is easily reached from the main highway with a good access road making it easy for tourists to visit the place.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

La Paz Sand Dunes

For a taste of a desert in tropical Philippines the place to go is La Paz sand dunes in Ilocos Norte. This desert like place located about 15 minutes drive from Laoag City. It is a favorite location site for local and foreign movie/tv productions. This includes Panday movies and foreign films like Born in Fourth of July.

However at the time that I went, since it was the end of an extended rainy season, many parts of the sand dunes were actually covered with green grass. In summer, the place is popular for sand boarding and 4 x4 vehicle drives.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Magnificent Sta. Monica Church

Sta. Monica Church is another impressive religious attraction in Ilocos Norte. It is located in Sarat, which is about 15 minutes drive from Laoag. This 17th century church is made of red brick and features a bridge/stairway that connects the church to a convent.

In front of the church is a park which is alongside a river which provides for scenic views of Ilocos Norte landscapes.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

An Enhancted Evening At Paoay Church

St. Augustine Church is picture pretty at night as it is beautifully lighted. This UNESCO World Heritage Site should be viewed at night when it comes into full bloom with the drama of lights illuminating its facade.

You can have dinner at Herencia Cafe which is right across the church. This cafe is known for its pinakbet pizza and crispy bagnet. You will have an enchanted evening as you enjoy your meal with a good view of this truly beautiful church.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

St. Augustine Church: Paoay's Pride

Most impressive in Ilocos Norte is the St. Augustine Church in Paoay. This 17th century Church is unique because of its combination of Gothic, Baroque and oriental designs. St. Augustine Church facade is so far the most impressive that I have seen among the old churches in the Philippines.

The local and provincial government have ensured that the Church and its surroundings are well maintained. There are is fact plans for further development and improvement of the place. At night, the Church is beautifully lit and makes for a real world class attraction.