Wolseong Fortress, Gyeongju, South Korea

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Awesome Abu Simbel

The most awe inspiring temple in Egypt are the two rock temples of Rameses II in Abu Simbel. It is a long bus trip from Aswan ( about 280 km from Aswan and a more than 3 hour trip). The tour operators also take the necessary security precautions against terrorists. The buses leave in a convoy escorted and guarded by the military. Each bus is also assigned one military personnel who rides with you on the bus.

But the long trip and some reservations about your safety, are amply rewarded with the truly awesome sight of the Abu Simbel temples. What makes the temples even more impressive is the fact these temples were transferred from another sight because of the building of the Aswan High Dam which would have submerged these monuments. Through the efforts of the UNESCO, the temples were transported 180 meters to its present site.

The breathtaking Abu Simbel monuments are definitely a MUST SEE in any visit to Egypt!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Pyramids by Night

Not to be missed during a trip to Egypt is the Light and Sound show at Pyramids of Giza. It is a spectacular performance featuring the ancient history of Egypt using stereophonic sound and laser lights around the majestic Pyramids and Sphinx of Giza.

The show leaves you breathless and wishing for it not to end. It is truly an amazing sight and is definitely one of the my unforgettable experiences in Egypt.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Pyramids: True Ancient Wonder

Highlight of a trip to Egypt is a visit to the pyramids of Giza. The three ancient pyramids, which are actually tombs for kings and queens, are truly a spectacular and awesome sight. It deserves its recognition as one of the seven ancient wonders of the world.

The sphinx which is near the pyramids and when seen against the backdrop of the pyramids is equally impressive.

You can also have the opportunity to go inside the great Khufu Pyramid. But it is a 30 minute crawl down a small opening and it is definitely not for the claustrophobic or those not in good health. At the end of the opening is a bare burial chamber which is not worth the effort going down and then up again to get out of the Pyramid.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Museums of Cairo

A visit to Cairo will not be complete without going to the Egyptian Museum. It houses the greatest collection of Egyptian antiquities and artifacts. Here you will see more than 120,000 objects and masterpieces, including jewelry, coffins and royal mummies, frescoes, and statues. You however, have to be prepared to sweat it out since the place is not air conditioned and is usually crowded with tourists.

The less popular Coptic Museum is also worth a visit. Cairo has a Christian history and so this museum is home to Coptic Christian artifacts and ancient art. This is a more relaxing museum tour since the place is smaller and there are less people.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Chaotic Cairo

First impression of Egypt may not be too good if you land in Cairo. You will be welcomed by horrendous traffic and the sound of horns as vehicles, many of vintage 60s, fight for space on overcrowded roads.

The sidewalks and streets are also dusty and full of people. The atmosphere is definitely chaotic! You will also get scared crossing streets because drivers have no respect for pedestrians. You need a certain amount of alertness and daring to be able to safely cross the streets.

But nevertheless, you can not help but like Cairo as you are exposed to its many old french inspired buildings, and the fact that this exotic city is home to many historical sights and museums that houses priceless artifacts and treasures.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Best Maki in Manila

One of my favorite comfort food is Maki, which is a Chinese noodle dish with a sweet and very sticky sauce. There used to be Han Yuen (am not sure if that is the correct name) at SM food court in Shoe Mart Cubao that served a very tasty version of this dish. But the food court has since closed down with the renovation of Shoe Mart Cubao.

Then recently I read in the Menu column of Margaux Salcedo in the Sunday Inquirer magazine about this new place in Greenhills offering this sticky noodle dish.

And this made my taste buds crave once again for maki. So I checked out this place called Maki House located at Sekai Center, Ortigas Avenue, San Juan. My verdict, the maki is even better than the one I used to have at Han Yuen. A big bowl cost P110 and it is so filling and good. It can actually be shared by 2 people if you are not that hungry or if you are having another dish to go with it.

The place has 2 versions: the original maki with just pork and the sticky sauce; and the the makime with pork, sticky sauce, and mami noodles. I prefer the original maki.

So if your in the Greenhills area, and you want to have something simple and yet delicious and filling, check out the Maki House. It is in same building where Masuki (a Binondo favorite known for its original Ma Mon Luk mami) is located.